Just me trying to be honest with God.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Heaven now!

“Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth.” Col.3.2 ESV

This encouragement is just another way of telling us to seek first the Kingdom of God and Heaven. It is possible then for us to do this even though we are temporally bound to earth. This is because Heaven, though a real place, is also a manner of thinking and doing. We know America to be a real place, yet it too is also the ideal of freedom for all.
It is not streets of gold we seek, or mansions in glory. These are celestial illustrations, which seek to capture for our feeble minds what it is like to live in perfect union with God. These things are certainly real, but only because of the realities of living under His blessed rule. When we pray that God’s Kingdom come and that His will be done on earth, we are at least in that moment visiting that reality. Because God is love, joy, peace patience, those who set their mind on things above, seek to reconcile themselves to such. Whatever then is true, whatever is honorable, yes all that is just, pure, lovely, commendable, excellent, and worthy of praise, flow from the Kingdom of Heaven. To think about these things, practice these things, is to know the peace of God and to experience the Kingdom of Heaven within us. 3/4/2008 ts