Just me trying to be honest with God.

Monday, March 31, 2008

Even your passing thoughts

As having nothing, yet possessing everything. 2Cor6.10 ESV

Once when I was out for morning prayers, I had walked down to the Alabama River and found my way blocked by dense underbrush. I had one of those passing thoughts that it sure would be nice to have a path that ran along the river so I would have a pretty place to walk while I prayed. You can imagine how surprised I was when I returned several weeks later only to find such a path. Evidently a couple of mountain bikers had cut a nice trail through the patch of woods along that stretch of river since I had been there last. It made a perfect loop for my morning walk and prayers. I felt as if God was listening to more than just my intercessions that morning and had sent me a precious gift. It is humbling when you know that God has provided you with more than you need but has visited you with lavished kindness, and hears even our passing thoughts.
I do not suppose in this life that I will ever own a track of land beside a river or a beautiful mountain top vista. But it matters not, when it all belongs to Father and He has graciously made us a joint heir with Christ. 3/31/2008 ts