Just me trying to be honest with God.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

“There’s a party going on right here.”

“Blessed are the people who know the festal shout,
who walk, O Lord, in the light of your face.” Ps89.15 ESV

God has graced some of us with a disposition of praise. Such people are predisposed toward all that is good and lovely. They rarely see obstacles, choosing instead to see everything as an opportunity for greater faith and love. Even when they encounter a sourpuss, or whiner they tend to see their negatives as an opportunity to counter with positives, and to love them into the light. It is not that praise people have no faults. No, like all of us, they have their share of weakness and need other strengths found in other people and, not surprisingly, often in the sourpuss they have just encouraged. God gives us each other. He gives us positive people to teach us all how to be positive. He gives us people with sober judgment to help those who are naïve, and the faithful to help the fickle.
And so, God has given us people who know the festive shout, so that we all may learn how to party and celebrate life before the face of God.