"Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted.” Mt5.4 ESV
To believe in one’s spiritual poverty is reason enough to mourn. But, godly sorrow knows that we fail to see our sin properly unless we see that our sin is against God. Did not David pray, “Against thee and thee only have I sinned.” It is not enough to weep over our sins because we have known personal defeat but we should weep because have failed God. True sorrow does not lapse into self-pity like Judas, who hung himself in shame. No, godly sorrow weeps because we know we have grieved God and it leads us to repent like Peter. I should think it a grace anytime we are able to weep over our transgressions when we see them though the eyes of the one we have offended. 11/2/2009 Conversations Within ts