"Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied. Mt.5.6 ESV
It seems to me that dissatisfaction with one’s self may very be one of the steps that lead us to hunger for righteousness. But there are other important attitudes and actions if we are to be truly healed. We must not want to be different solely because we don’t like ourselves. We ay start out that way but we must want to be made right for the right reasons and for that we need grace. In grace we are taught not only to hate evil but also to love all that is good, is I may play on familiar words, to be for goodness sake. This of course begins when we love the Source of goodness. And, we may expect that learning to love what is wholesome will take time for people who have long been addicted to junk food. 11/4/2009 Conversations Within ts