Just me trying to be honest with God.

Monday, August 20, 2007

Coram Deo

Coram Deo
I have set the LORD always before me; Because He is at my right hand I shall not be moved. Ps16.8 NKJV

The other day I was looking for my glasses. I looked all through the house before I realized that they were on my head. We have all experienced those moments of realization, that eureka moment. Coming awake is one thing, remaining awake is another. God would help us not only awake to Him but remain awake and be fully present in His presence.
Coram Deo is the Latin, “before the face of God.” To live this way, to live coram Deo, is to set the Lord always before us so that we remain in a state of godly awareness. God is at my right hand. To aggressively live in this knowledge means that He is never far from the forefront of our thoughts. We awake to Him, and by so doing, we find life in every breath. Our fellowship is with the Father and with His Son. We are never alone, His Spirit lives in and around us.
The joy and the happiness which God intends for us, and which can never be shaken, is found by living in this awareness. When we content ourselves in the certain knowledge of His love for us and live in that love, we live before the face of God. 8/20/07 ts