Just me trying to be honest with God.

Thursday, August 30, 2007

I Ask, He Answers

For through Him we both have access by one Spirit to the Father. Eph2.18 NKJV

I am currently in dialogue with a young person who has asked why I believe in God. As I was forming an answer, I realized that my line of thinking was seeking to prove God's existence to them, when actually none of the “proofs” I was offering are the main reason I believe in Him. In short, it is my daily interaction with God which stands behind the principle reason for my faith. Everyday I listen and talk with the Father. I ask Him questions, and He answers them. I present details request to Him and He answers by giving me what I have asked from Him. I ask Him to protect, to provide and to guide and He answers. I ask, He answers.
If I walk in the house, call to my wife to see if she is home, she will undoubtedly answer in some tangible way. I am sure if Brenda could speak in my thoughts and tell me she was home, she might choose to do that over shouting from the back bedroom. As far as I know, I have never audibly heard God’s actual voice, though I have audibly heard Him speaking through others and directly at me. God’s answers are no less tangible than an audible response and truthfully I find them more so. He speaks to my soul within and without and these days my soul is just as real to me as my body. I am becoming very much a spiritual creature. Yet, God’s answers flow over into my physical existence everyday. Now I could understand how someone might write His answers off as coincidence. I might also be tempted to do this, except that this kind of thing happens with the same frequency as my asking a favor from my wife and she does it. I ask believing He is there, He answers because He is. I ask both in Christ and through the Holy Spirit because God is Spirit and Christ after all is the Father’s most tangible response. 8/30/07