Just me trying to be honest with God.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Look Whose coming to Dinner

“Behold, I stand at the door and knock.” Rev3.20 NKJV

It is a rare event these days to have someone knock on your door. And, most of the time when it does happen, it is either the UPS delivery man, or a couple of Jehovah Witnesses. Americans are a private lot, and thus, most of us must borrow from another cultural place and time to relate to these words. People rarely knock at your door these days unless you have invited them.
It seems strange that when we opened our door to Him many years ago, He would be opening it all the time to others. We have people in our home every week for lunch, and dinner. It is such common fare to our home, that I have even offered the J.W.’s at my door a peanut butter sandwich.
Now there is something personal and relational about eating together. When we first consider who is knocking at the door and why He is there, His presence seems somewhat intrusive. Who, in these days, invites themselves to dinner? And, those who have answered the door, and accepted Jesus’ self-invite, have very well found out that He not only wishes to eat at our table but to move into our home. Before long we come to realize that He has brought His own table with Him and intends that we sit down and eat with Him. He may at first eat our fare but before long, the menu will change. He will soon have us eating His bread and drinking His wine. He cares little for our privacy, and fully intends to be on intimate terms with those who open the door. Those who tried to shut Him out, and ignore His knock, will find Him rather persistent. Thank God that He is. For Christ refuses us the civility of an impersonal religion, He desires instead to share the intimacy of personal communion and the joys of real friendship. 8/14/07 ts