“but is longsuffering toward us…” 2Pt.3.9 NKJV
How can we possibly relate to the longsuffering of God? The word captures an aspect of God’s patience that is nothing less than overwhelming. God suffers! The All Mighty is experiencing degrees of anguish that only a God can know. His distress, if we can call it such, is over the misery and danger that men and women have brought upon themselves. He suffers over us. And, He suffers long over us. What is equally amazing is that we can also be a source of great joy to Him. It staggers me to realize His emotional attachment to mere creatures, not emotions as we know them, but whatever divine attributes spilled over and birthed ours. This of course does not take into account all that Jesus took up of our own distresses when He became flesh. 10/8/2009 Conversations Within ts