Osmosis (biology)-the passage of molecules through a membrane from a place of higher concentration to a place of lower concentration until both sides are equal.
“be diligent to be found by Him in peace, without spot and blameless…” 2Pt.3.14
People often have unrealistic expectations about life. But even though most will never reach the level of perfection they have envisioned, the diligent press on anyway. We may strive to be like Christ in every respect, and though we may never reach His perfect oneness with God in this life, it is still a worthwhile goal. Why? Well certainly not to merit salvation but simply to experience more of it. This means of course, that the how is as important as the why. Our effort to be like Christ is somewhat like a spiritual osmosis rather than earning a merit badge. The higher concentration of God’s presence in Christ is flowing into the lower consecration of His presence in us, until both solutions are the same. The difference is that flowing into us takes nothing from Him. What is the condition, the membrane if you will, that allows this osmosis? That would be simple humility and faith. Christians receive grace they don’t earn it. 10/9/2009 Conversations Within ts