Just me trying to be honest with God.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

I cannot seem to escape the pull of my own gravity.

“When you fasted and mourned…was it for me that you fasted?” Zech.7.5. ESV

Lord, you tell me plainly that selfish prayers are a waste of time but I cannot seem to escape the pull of my own gravity. You have promised to look after me and that I should look after the concerns of Your Kingdom. As far as I can tell, You have kept Your side of things even though I fudge on my side all the time. How I want to be different. But, I am not sure if my desire to change is for You or for me. It seems I need more fuel Lord if I am to reach escape velocity, break free from my self-centered life and find myself and my concerns orbiting Yours. 10/20/2009 Conversations Within ts