...for he who loves not grace upon earth will never love it in heaven.” Christopher Love
“You shall break them with a rod of iron and dash them in pieces like a potter's vessel." Ps.2 ESV
Here is another verse that declares God’s love. We may wonder how so? Because God is love, He will not let the wicked and unrepentant continue to make war against goodness. God would not be love if He did not hate what is evil. Many have the mistaken notion that people are basically good so when the Bible speaks of the wicked it must be talking about the other guy. But the same Bible tells us that every heart is wicked or at least we all start out that way; the meanness of children is proof enough of that. Grace begins healing our hearts and teaches people to change. There are two then two kinds of sinners, the repentant and the unrepentant. Both are sinners but the repentant never need fear condemnation only correction. Wrath is reserved for the unrepentant. 6/4/2010 Conversations Within ts