Jubal…was the father of all those who play the lyre and pipe. Gen.4 ESV
Of all things certain, we are not the only ones who reap what we sow. We can sow either weeds or roses into the garden of those we love. Let me sow roses. If I have fallen, let me rise. If I have blown it, let me build again. If my children follow in my footsteps, let me walk in the garden of joy. I do not want my children to spend the better part of their lives getting over dear old dad. Rather, let me pass to them a good inheritance. Let me weed out any spiritual strongholds of bondage and sow the seeds of faith, hope and love. Let it be said that I am the father of those who love God, who play in the fields of the Lord, who dance to the rhythm of the superior delights of joy and sing the songs of grateful praise. 6/17/2010 Conversations Within ts