“May the Lord not permit me to hear that you are dead…and my will shall be done…for my will seeks the honor of the divine name and not my own honor and pleasure.” Martin Luther (Prayer for a sick friend.)
“…we have confidence to enter the holy places by the blood of Jesus…” Heb.10 ESV
If I dare ask anything from God, let me at least ask for it boldly. Any prayer worth bringing to Him is worth bringing to Him with confidence. But let my confidence before God, not rest in any silly notions I have about my own goodness. Rather, let me believe that the right to enter into the Presence was secured by Jesus and that any prayer that reflects His divine cause will meet with His divine favor. Let us frequently and confidently enter the secret chambers of intercession to take from its store promised blessings for those we love. Let us lay aside all timidity in prayer and boldly ask, and confidently expect that we will receive what we have asked from a gracious God. 6/16/2010 Conversations Within ts