"He has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor…liberty to the captives…recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty those who are oppressed.” Luke 4 ESV
A person may be physically poor but possess great spiritual wealth. They may be captive, blind, or oppressed but know a depth of freedom and spiritual sight beyond measure. And, while Christians believe that issues of the spirit have greater weight than those of body, this in no way means that we do not value both. God tells us to. We are told to work with equal focus to put bread in hungry stomachs as well as in famished souls. We are called to attend to matters of justice in this world as well as the next. We work to cure every disease, and to secure life liberty and the pursuit of happiness for everyone. The good news is that if these things are denied us in some material way, as they commonly are in this world, we may still posses them in the next. We may even posses them now if only in spirit. 5/25/2010 Conversations Within ts