“…do not be anxious how you are to speak or what you are to say, for what you are to say will be given to you in that hour.” Mt. 10 ESV
We worry about many things facing us before they actually face us. We stage make believe or expected confrontations, trying to figure out how we might respond. I think in some instances it may be good to rehearse our responses especially responses to certain temptations. Now, might be the best time to prepare my response to lust, to anger, to worry or fear. Doing so might enable a controlled response rather than an out of controlled reaction. But Jesus tells us there are times when the best way to prepare for something is to not prepare at all but simply trust that when the time comes He will give us what we need. How do I know when to prepare or not? This is exactly the kind of thing that He uses to help keep us focused on walking with Him in the present moment. If you don’t know, ask Him, He will let you know, if He doesn’t, don’t worry about it, He give it to you when the time comes. 6/6/2010 Conversations Within ts