...and could say, "I used everything you gave me.” Erma Bombeck
“But each has his own gift from God.” ICor.7 ESV
God has created every person with the potential to be a gift to the world. We can rightly say then that everyone is gifted person. I am sure God does this as a means of providing our needs and joining us together in service. We may not be equally endowed but each endowment is equally needed in the world. What happens when a person refuses to use or develop their gifts, or is has been hindered from doing so? Not only does that individual miss a large part of their purpose in life but the rest of humanity is robbed of the singular grace God intended to pass to us through them. Squandered talent may be the reason we have no cure for cancer or why we are still addicted to petroleum products, or why millions still starve. Each of us should consider if people are suffering because I am not using the gifts entrusted to me or if I am hindering others from using theirs. 6/24/2010 Conversations Within ts