Vanity of vanities, says the Preacher, vanity of vanities! All is vanity. Ecc.1 ESV
God made everything from nothing yet we somehow turned everything into nothing. The Good Book calls this nothingness the vanity of life on a planet now cursed because we abused our freedom to choose. People don't always feel this emptiness; like our coming appointment with death, we push it out of active thought. Most of us busy ourselves with the stuff of life until something causes the emptiness to rush in on us and all at once we despair. This is not to say that all people despair because some actually figure out how to give a self-invented meaning to meaninglessness. We do it through ignorance, apathy or by convincing ourselves that something is true when it is not. According to Jesus, it is only by returning to God that we escape the void and are born again to meaning. 2/8/2011 Conversations Within ts (Monte Sano, AL)