“I die daily.” 1Cor.15 ESV
The Christian lives a torn life. We are torn between the desires of Spirit and those of the flesh. We are torn between life on earth and our promised life in glory. We believe Heaven to be superior to this place yet something in us cries out to remain as long as we can. Ironically, only in death do we find rest from all this toil. But to find a measure of peace in the here and now, the Spirit makes it possible for us to die before we die. Truly we can and we must die daily to ourselves. We crucify our sinful pleasures to be lifted up to joy. We let go this temporal existence to lay hold of all the is eternal. We must, as Jesus said, “loose our life in order to find it.” Every time we die before we die we have the opportunity to present ourselves living sacrifices, holy and acceptable unto God. If we die before we die, we may know something of the resurrection before we actually are raised. 2/17/2011 Conversations Within ts (Between, GA)