“O LORD, you have searched me and known me!” Ps.139 ESV
Before Jesus entered my heart I was uncomfortable with the idea that God was watching me. I actually resented it. Whenever I did something I knew He did not approve I was afraid that He would punish me by making bad things happen. Now I know these notions to be silly and childish. These days I appreciate God's watchful care. I want to be known by Him. I want Him to scrutinize my life. It is not that I have changed. I am still a sinful brat and I still do things He disapproves. The difference is that my perceptions of Him have changed. I no longer view Him as some tyrant ruler with a big stick looking for me to mess up. Christ is helping me to see Him as a Father, one who is coaching me, preparing me to enter the big game. 2/3/2011 Conversations Within ts (Davidson River, NC)