“It is appointed for man to die once, and after that comes judgment...” Heb.9 ESV
Christians believe the simplest way prepare ourselves for judgment, is to invite Jesus into our heart and surrender our lives to His Lordship. When we do this He promises not only to pardon our shortcomings, but also to enter our life to energize and focus it around eternal purposes. It is tragic to think he offers one without the other. His intent is not only to help us escape a condemning judgment, but to turn the judgment seat into a kind of reward ceremony where we share the benefits of living for something greater than ourselves. I am sure that the reward Jesus has in mind is something more than the pavement that will be under our feet. People who work for such things might very well be street cleaners in glory-- very real possibility I imagine. I think we will we come to find that love is its own reward, everything else just scenery—made beautiful as much by the heart that appreciates it as it is by the eyes that will behold it. 1/28/2011 Conversations Within ts (Gunterhill, AL)