If there is no God, who pops up the next Kleenex?
Art Hoppe
“By faith we understand that the universe was created by the word of God...” Heb.11 ESV
I believe in God because of what I see in the natural world as much as I do for anything supernatural. That the sun is the right distance from the earth or that our atmosphere has the perfect balance of gases to support life or that we have two eyes for depth perception all seem to me to be much too personal to be the result of some cosmic accident. To say that the world is perfectly suited for life is just another way of saying that God set the table. I believe all this by faith of course. I suppose for some believing this is a leap in the dark, a sort of blind faith. I want nothing of a blind faith. I don't mind leaping in the dark as long as I have good reasons for doing so. I want reason to guide my faith just as surely as I want faith to guide my reason. 2/7/2011 Conversations Within ts (Cloudland Canyon, GA)