“Jesus...who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame.” Heb.12 ESV
I think it is a mistake to think that when we walk with God all will be joyous. It certainly wasn't for Jesus. Storms can stir the waters of our outer world but they also toss the ocean of our inner world. There are times proper to sadness, distress, anger and to be troubled within. Just because we are told to rejoice and give thanks in every circumstance does not mean that our emotions will not reflect a kind of dissonance doing it. It was the joy set before Him that Christ endured the cross not the joy of being crucified. I am sure Jesus wasn't happy on the cross though He was happy to go there for His Father. Every emotional distress is opportunity to endure, to fine tune our faith hope and love. Unpleasant days magnify the glory of the hope in us. 2/23/2011 Conversations Within ts (Gunterhill, AL)