“Let us make man in our image in our likeness...” Gen.1
There is little doubt in my mind that people are fundamentally spiritual creatures. We see things, not only with physical eyes but with an innate spiritual awareness. When I witness an old woman spill her groceries I see more than just some cause an effect event. I would feel anger if a careless teenager ran by and caused it, or if he neglected to help her even if he didn't cause it. I would feel guilty if I did not stop and help her. My sense of right and wrong is a spiritual thing. Some have tried to explain this as a kind of herd instinct passed down through the natural processes of evolution. I believe it is passed down to us because we are made in the image of God. Of course these very different explanations are just another example that its not what we look at but what we see that matters. 2/1/2011 Conversations Within ts (Between GA)