Just me trying to be honest with God.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

“How is it that one match can start a forest fire, but it takes a whole box of matches to start a campfire?” Christy Whitehead

“and he will make straight your paths.” Prov.3 ESV

There are times when I think that God promises to make my path easy when He in fact promises to make it straight. When God offers to make our path straight He does not mean that we will not have difficulties or that life's little inconveniences will somehow pass us by. Things that can go wrong often do even for a child of God. When God promises to make our path straight, He means that He will make our path clear. Those who trust Him will find Him more than ready to give clear guidance. A Spirit filled man will possess a confident knowledge of all that is good and right and true and this knowledge will sometimes guide him around adversity but certainly through it when necessary. 8/10/2011 Conversations Within ts (Zion National Park)