Just me trying to be honest with God.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

The principal problem in most relationships is lack of communication, should we doubt that this is also the case in a strained relationship with God.

“I said I will confess my sins to you.” Ps.32

I have apologized to You a number of times for the round about way we must communicate. I tell You I want clear communication but I am sure when things are not as clear as they should be, at least to me, it is my fault. I am grateful that I want honest communication between us but then I take silly pride in it, like there is some virtue in sincerity even when I am being sincerely wrong. I know my problem is listening; the wax of selfish concerns has plugged my ears. I can't believe I fly off at the handle because I have made some rash judgment about what You allow. It all stems from being too self-centered. Let me talk honestly with You Father but let me at least be honest with myself. Thanks for being my Friend--for loving me as I am but not leaving me this way. 7/29/2011 Conversations Within ts (Grand Canyon)