"Stop and consider the wondrous works of God.” Job 37
I write everyday; I work everyday; I even make time to play everyday. I certainly eat everyday. I do not always take time everyday to tune my senses to all the wondrous works of God but when I do, I am always blessed by it. I am trying to make this a daily daily, and the sheer delight of sharing a moment of wonder with the Creator is nothing short of magical. Yesterday I stopped to smell the leaves of a flowering Lantana. I humbly witnessed the awesome power of crashing waves from Hurricane Katia, still hundreds of miles offshore. Later that day I was soothed by the softness of light reflecting off rolling clouds hovering over the sunset. Worship and wonder are the dessert of being where you are. Be there O my soul, be there! 9/8/11 Conversations Within ts (Jacksonville, FL)