“O you who love the LORD, hate evil!” Ps.97
I am not the person I want to be. And, it offers no comfort to ask who is. I am actually glad that I am uncomfortable with my short-comings. Conviction motivates me to do something about them. I am also glad that God loves me even though He has made it clear that He hates my sins. Thank Him for Jesus and the deal they struck before the cross even though I barely understand it. What I do understand is that God wants to teach me to hate my sin as much as He does. It may seem strange that God who is love would want to teach us to hate and to hate something so much that you are willing to put it to death. I will finally come to know His happiness only when I share His goodness. I will only share His goodness when I hate everything in me that is not good. 9/3/11 Conversations Within ts (Jacksonville, FL)