Just me trying to be honest with God.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

“Masters who sacrifice for servants will receive the gift of loyalty.”

“Yet for your sake we are killed all the day long…” Ps.44.22 ESV

Many people have lost their lives in service to God. Some of them died on battlefields and perhaps did not think their sacrifice a spiritual service when it in fact was. They may have even faced a brother on the opposing side who also was also dying for the cause of Christ. Judgment day will sort this out for us. It is abundantly clear that God regards His cause worthy enough to sacrifice us for it. And though He sends some of us into harms way, the apostle Paul offers this very verse as an example that absolutely nothing can separate us from His love. In fact, some of the people dearest to Him have been offered on the alter of redemption. Paul mysteriously referred to this as “filling up what is lacking in Christ's afflictions.” That we could share in His suffering to love the world would be a privilege indeed. To believe this is to glory in His cross. 4/15/2009 Conversations Within ts