Just me trying to be honest with God.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

“We always paid for our suspicion by finding what we suspect.” Henry David Thoreau

“He keeps all his bones; not one of them is broken.” Ps.34.20 ESV

I am not sure what is signified by these words. They were referenced of Christ when He died on the cross. When the Romans came to break his legs, they found that He had already died so instead, they thrust a spear into His side. Jesus died with His bones intact. It is interesting that the Jews were instructed to not break any of the bones of the Passover lamb. What lies hidden in these words, “He keeps all his bones.” Many Christians have had their bones broken in service to God so we know these words are not to be taken in that sense. Could it be that while God permits His people to suffer, even leads them to it, that He places certain limits on it. Spurgeon understood these words to imply that “No substantial injury occurs to the saints. Eternity will heal all their wounds. Their real self is safe; they may have flesh-wounds, but no part of the essential fabric of their being shall be broken.” We know there are limits that God places on our suffering and whatever these words mean, we should suspect that God is up to something and, as always, certainly something redemptively good. 4/2/2009 Conversations Within ts