“I will incline my ear to a proverb; I will solve my riddle to the music of the lyre.” Ps.49 ESV
Instrumental music is my favorite because it complements thoughts instead of competing with them, or at least when I ‘m writing. Music is such an important part of my life, and is such a precious gift. It is one of those extras in life and as someone rightly said, “It is only goodness that gives extras.“
My favorite time of each day is when I listen to music, read, write and pray. God is not loud like many voices in the world. To hear Him we must draw away to the quiet. Jesus went to the mountains; I go to music. I believe that we all move around too much. Our hectic and hurried lives have left us, as Bilbo Baggins said, “like too little butter spread over too much bread.” The rapids of life may be exciting but quiet waters run slow and deep. 7/12/2010 Conversations Within ts