"Put your finger here, and see my hands; and put out your hand, and place it in my side. Do not disbelieve, but believe." John 20 ESV
Thomas required proof of the resurrection before He would commit to it. I guess one question for us is do we believe Thomas and the other disciples who say they saw it. It seems to boil down to trust at every level. Thomas trusted his senses we trust his testimony. And, we express this kind of faith every day. I never performed laboratory tests on the antibiotic I’m taking for my eyes. Neither did the optometrist that prescribed them for that matter. Faith is traced from one person to another, back to the original researcher. Every subsequent user affirms its credibility or not. Does my day-to-day faith affirm the credibility of Christ’s life and teachings or not. If someone were to give a user review of what they witnessed in me of the resurrected Christ would I get five stars, would He? 7/3/2010 Conversations Within ts