“Love never ends.” 1Cor.13 ESV
We praise unconditional love, and well we should. To pledge yourself to someone and say to them, “I will always love you, no matter what,” is a powerful thing. But it can also be easily misunderstood. We may love someone unconditionally but there are conditions demanded by our love. What I mean is that if you really love someone you pledge yourself not to his or her temporal happiness but to their highest good. I once told someone I love “unconditionally” that if they thought I would approve of their participation in destructive behavior they had greatly underestimated my love for them and, my commitment to their happiness. To love someone unconditionally is to never say, “I will love you if…” You love the person without any “ifs,” and, you always love them. But love demands certain things from us such as never settling, as far as we are concerned, for anything less than God’s best for them. 6/30/2010 Conversations Within ts