“Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the LORD our God.” Ps.20 ESV
I think most of us trust common sense, or our powers of reason, or laws of science. We generally trust our senses and therefore the conclusions we draw from them. If my army is bigger than my enemy’s army, I can go to war with confidence. If my doctor is the best cardiologist in his field, I rest easier on the operating table. Now God certainly makes use of ordinary means but He also chooses to work without them, above them and sometimes even against them. He may give a superior force into the hands of an inferior one. He may choose to give a lesser surgeon skill beyond his abilities. He may at times ask us to trust His judgment over our own and do something we would otherwise think outrageous. However God works, God is the one who decides the outcome. It seems foolish then to put our trust in anything but Him. Our faith enables us to see His hand in common sense or a surgeon even His power to lead us in spite of our own stupidity. 7/16/2010 Conversations Within ts