“To make an apt answer is a joy to a man, and a word in season, how good it is! ” Prov.15 ESV
On a recent trip outside the southeast, my wife asked a number of questions about local fauna or agricultural practices as we merrily traveled down the road. My answer to all of her questions was a simple, “I don’t know.” After several states of this, she remarked how unusual it was that I did not know a single answer to any of her questions. I commented that if there was anything to learn from this was that she could put greater stock in those times when I did know the answer.
When we don’t know something the best answer is to admit that we don’t. Otherwise, our credibility is damaged when we are caught bluffing our way though areas outside our experience. When Jesus refused to answer Pilate, it wasn’t because He did not know the answer. He decided that the best answer was no answer. If you don’t something, admit it. And, just because you do know something, doesn’t mean it is best to say you do. 7/24/2010 Conversations Within ts