... as Bible-believing Christians — to mark the watershed? Francis Schaeffer
“Truly I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not the smallest letter or stroke shall pass from the Law until all is accomplished.” Jesus (Mt.5 NASB)
In a recent trip to the mountains, my wife and I crossed over the Continental Divide several times. The “divide” refers to the watershed created by the mountains that separates the waters that run to the Pacific Ocean from those that run to the Atlantic. The late Dr. Francis Schaeffer said that what we believe about the Bible is the watershed for all those who would love God. Do I believe the Scriptures to be God’s word or simply man’s word? This is the watershed and it will decide where my faith ultimately leads us. The two places will no doubt be miles apart. For me, choosing between these two very different views is rather simple. Because I have chosen to follow Jesus I would see the Scriptures the way Jesus viewed the Scriptures. He taught that the very letters of every word is sustained by God and will remain so until the end of the age. 7/8/2010 Conversations Within ts