“To you, O LORD, I will make music.” Ps.101 ESV
Is there any medium in all the world that can compare to the power of music to stir one’s soul? Like all other endowments, this one is returned to God as an offering each time excellence is expressed in it. It doesn’t matter if the artist believes in God or not. All things are from Him. But as each sweet melody rises in those who do worship Him, each heart so lifted, ascends like fragrant incense to the God who created both the man or woman and the music. All things are to Him. How precious this gift! How delightful is its ability to express joy and sorrow, excitement and ecstasy. Every human experience is expressed in music. All things are through Him. “To you, O LORD, I will make music.” You are the music of my life. 7/11/2010 Conversations Within ts