...and only a strong view of Scripture is sufficient to withstand the pressure of an all-pervasive culture built on relativistic thinking.” Francis Schaeffer
“For you have exalted above all things your name and your word.” Ps.138 ESV
To say that we live in a relativistic culture simply means that any notions of right and wrong, true and false are determined by cultural opinion not by a belief in any Divine revelation. At many points in history, the governing Law of the land was “Rex-Lex,” meaning the King is law. America challenged this notion and under a Judeo-Christian heritage, moved from “Rex-lex” to “Lex-Rex,” which means the Law is King. This of course was not any law but law modeled after God’s Law, and not just any God but the God of both the Old and New Testament. Our nation originally founded under God has shifted to being a nation under many gods. Modern society has decided that God’s Law doesn’t rule and the King doesn’t rule, the people rule. Any laws that exist are subject to the whims of society. The first man of course decided no less than this, which is of course why Christ came. 7/7/2010 Conversations Within ts