...be as the dew of heaven refreshing all you meet.
“…the hearts of the saints have been refreshed through you.” Philemon 1 ESV
The joy of Jesus is surely discovered in refreshing others. If we would possess that joy or better yet, have His joy possess us, let us give ourselves to the sacred service of refreshing hearts. Serve the Lord with gladness and be sure to serve the Lord by refreshing others. Water the garden of every person you meet with encouraging words and intercessory prayers. Pray with them. Pray for them. It is in times of personal prayer that God’s Spirit will tell us how to refresh those we love. He will fill our days with loving and though such, fill our hearts with the delights of divine joy. Here is the Christ life. He would free us from the prison of our selfishness and lead us to the heights of fruitful fellowship. He would make us to be as the dew that falls from heaven and refreshes the hearts of the weary. 7/21/2010 Conversations Within ts