“And you shall know the truth and the truth will set you free.” Jesus
A professor once asked a group of students if deciding what to believe in terms of one’s faith, was more like guessing the number of beans in a jar, or more like choosing your favorite song?" Students inevitably said it was like choosing their favorite song. It is interesting that people often decide what to believe about God based on what makes them feel good but would never dream of doing this where personal health is concerned. People generally don’t choose a treatment for cancer based on their emotions but on a diligent search for facts even if it means making their best guess on which treatment is best. Christian faith is not a blind leap into the dark but a rational belief rooted in the testimony of creditable people who witnessed the resurrection of Jesus. I don’t believe in the God of Jesus because he makes me feel good, he sometimes makes me very uncomfortable. I believe in the God of Jesus because Jesus is the only one I know who validated his claims by rising from the dead. 7/22/2010 Conversations Within ts