“For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions.” 2Tim.4 ESV
It is true that many egotistical, controlling people have perverted the Scriptures for their own personal ends and tried to scare people into following them. It is also true that many trying to escape them have dismissed the Bible preferring instead to fashion God after their own ideas and notions. Those who pervert the Scriptures and those who dismiss them, for all practical purposes, share the same fate if the Scriptures are indeed God’s word to man. Jesus certainly taught they were. But even though I accept what Jesus said, there are times when I am tempted to bend the Bible to my passions rather than bow my passions to God’s word. We know we have given in to this temptation when we surround ourselves with teachers who scratch our itch rather than put healing lotion on what’s causing it. The time predicted by the apostle is clearly upon us. 7/2/2010 Conversations Within ts