“Don't fool yourself that important things can be put off till tomorrow; they can be put off forever, or not at all.” Mignon McLaughlin
“The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself in love.” Gal.5 ESV
Time is a funny thing where Christians are concerned. We are not promised “all the time in the world” but we have been promised eternal life. What is time to someone who will live forever? Well, it is everything. Consider the lasting value of everything eternal. We are told to value even our time in the world because our time here allows us to bear lasting fruit there. You don't put off eternity by waiting for it to begin. Eternal life is now. Today is one day in it. It is the quality of life not only its quantity that defines it as an eternal life. And, it is faith expressing itself in love that determines that quality. When you look at life this way, why put off any expression of love; if it has nothing to do with love why waste time doing it at all. 5/21/2011 Conversations Within ts (Oak Mountain, AL)