“We are from God. Whoever knows God listens to us; whoever is not from God does not listen to us. By this we know the Spirit of truth and the spirit of error.” John
I suppose, in view of all the other religions of the world, one reason I am a Christian is because I don't know any other response to give to these words of John except to believe them. What sets the original disciples of Jesus apart from every other teacher of every other religion is their resounding claim to have witnessed a man three days dead, re-appear in the flesh not resuscitated but resurrected. They also humbly dedicated themselves to live by His teachings, one of which was the importance of truth and truthfulness. I can't believe, in light of their life testimony, that John or the other eye witnesses were liars and being an eye witness in my mind rules out any kind of blind religious fanaticism. Yet, to say such things, if they are not true, would make John and all the other apostles the biggest liars in history. For me to believe that would be like questioning the integrity of every person I know to be honest and truthful. The moral fabric of not only every honest person I know but the entire Western world stems from the teachings of these men. If people have the reputation of being good and decent folk and you know them to be of a sane mind why would you not believe them? 5/3/2011 Conversations Within ts (Windsor Rock, AL)