“For the word of God is...discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart”. Heb.4
Most of the people I know do not like themselves. The ones that do are often arrogant or lack self evaluative skills. Occasionally I meet someone who has made peace that they will never be what they would like to be. It is not that they have accepted defeat where positive change is concerned, they have just realized the limitations of living in a fallen world and have learned the important lesson of living under grace. We are defeated if we ever misuse grace and give up striving to be better or if we think we can be better without it. I cannot erase the pages I have written, that is where forgiveness comes into play. And, even though we can't erase past pages doesn't mean we should put down our pen. Grace offers us a new blank page everyday so that we can keep on writing and hopefully, some stuff worth reading. 4/25/2011 Conversations Within ts (Oak Mountain, AL)