“The LORD God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to work it and keep it.” Gen.2 ESV
I think one silly view of Heaven is that we will sit around on clouds, drinking mint juleps and doing nothing. Perhaps some people feel this way because they do not enjoy working. It should not surprise us that God not only wants us to work but to enjoy it, express creativity and find lasting fulfillment in it. The simple truth is that man was created to live a productive and fruitful life, one detail of which was to work in a garden. It is interesting that the Good Book compares all of life to a garden. And, as everybody knows, gardens needs tending; the garden of our relationships, our resources, and certainly the garden of our inner life no less. It would seem that if there is one skill we need in life, we need to learn how to garden. “I cultivate my garden, and my garden cultivates me.” Robert Brault. 5/23/2011 Conversations Within ts (Oak Mountain, AL)