"You shall be holy, for I am holy." 1 Pt.1 ESV
I don't want to fall into the trap of thinking that God wants to deal with our boredom by keeping us busy or sending us to church all of the time. He may very well accompany us while we watch a TV show or read a book. The point is that positive interaction with God can transform every dull moment into something good. If I cannot interact with God doing some activity then it is certain that I shouldn't be doing it. But equally true, everything, even things we ordinarily think of as good can wind up being bad without that interaction. Interacting with God while watching a movie may seem strange but being able to do just that is the essence life under His Lordship and such interaction gives practical meaning to that now old fashioned word the Bible calls holiness. If we can't eat a tuna sandwich and know the value of God's fellowship, then nothing will show it to us. Everything can be set apart to Him or nothing can. 7/20/2011 Conversations Within ts (Oak Mountain, AL)