... Encourage me, and I will not forget you.” William Arthur Ward
“I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace.” Jesus
I prayed the other day that a friend would have an real encounter with God. As soon as I whispered this prayer, I heard a quiet voice inside reply that that is exactly what I am supposed to be when people spend time with me. If I believe that Christ lives in me, then surely He should show though in my every interaction. I can usually tell when He does when I hear encouraging, instead of critical words coming from my mouth. I have never felt like Christ wanted me to flatter someone, or criticize them or ignore them but I feel compelled to encourage people all of the time. His encouragements to me are one of my favorite things about getting to know Him. Christ is a coach to those who genuinely seek Him not a critic. When Christ spoke critical words it was mainly to people who were leading others down dangerous paths. 6/27/2011 Conversations Within ts (On the Road)