It is like dust...To shake off this drizzle of ashes you must be for ever [sic] on the go. And so people are always “on the go.” George Bernanos
“Be still and know that I am God.” Ps.46
Smart phones have become a band-aid for boredom. If you watch people standing in line at a store or waiting in a doctors office, or sitting at a red light, even if only for a moment, out comes the phone. If I am not careful, every lull moment in the day will see me pull out my phone. People are easily bored and one way we deal with it, is by keeping busy. A person constantly on the go may lead a busy life but not necessarily a fruitful one. For the Christian, boredom is simply not knowing what God wants you to be doing at that moment. The cure for boredom isn't constant activity or our petty distractions but the singular activity of listening to God. 7/18/2011 Conversations Within ts (Selma, AL)