Just me trying to be honest with God.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

“Doom, despair and agony on me, deep dark depression and excessive misery.” Hee Haw

“the darkness is my closest friend.” Ps.88.18

This Psalm begins in despair and ends in dismal misery. Some days are like that in this place, when the best that we can do is to say that darkness is our closest companion. When we see someone we love going through such trial, we want to help them. Knowing how can be tough. We must give people room to grieve and to expresses their sorrow. Such times are not great moments for commentary or advice. It is best to keep quiet vigil with those sitting in the dark. The light that will help them to the other side is often just sitting with them in silent sympathy. I remember the powerful scene in the movie Shadowlands, when C. S. Lewis was grieving the death of his wife and seeking to comfort her son. The bereaved boy said, “I don’t believe in heaven.” Lewis simply replies, “That's okay.” 6/7/2009 Conversations Within ts