Just me trying to be honest with God.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

“Faithful are the wounds of a friend.”

“His faithfulness continues through all generations.” Ps.100.5

Whenever I think of the Lord’s faithfulness, I immediately think of my own disloyalty. This is not only sad; it also takes something away from my celebration of His great reliability. So, let my soul consider Father’s fidelity as I may. In one sense, Dad is never loyal to a fault as we say. That is, His loyalty never causes harm when He intends good. His loyalty like His love is governed by His wisdom. He tells us faithfully that He is not going anywhere--that He will never leave or relax His hold on us. Yet, faithfulness often compels Him to withdraw His peace when we are walking where it is not good to walk. He may withdraw His peace but never His grace. At such times Father is loyal to a fault but it is our own. 6/22/2009 Conversations Within ts